BOG Election of Officers

Current candidates for positions on Board of Governors are Bob Trocki and Sharon Bruce.

All nominations will be taken from the floor at the meeting of June 27, 2020.

Sharon Bruce Bio

My name is Bob Trocki, and I live at 22 Blue Heron Rd. I would appreciate your vote for an officer position on the Black Point Beach Club Association Board of Governors.

My wife, Cindy, and I fell in love with Black Point from the first time we visited in 2015. We bought our home the following winter and love living here. We have 3 children, Leah, Ryan and Kyle.

I am running for the Board as I am concerned about the lack of financial controls on the Association’s spending and the inconsistent application of the regulations of our charter.

With respect to the financial side, I am the Vice President of Underwriting and Actuarial Services for a regional health plan in Massachusetts.  In this role, I have fiscal responsibility for pricing decisions that impact the company and to ensure we have an adequate level of reserves to fund our future liabilities. The Board needs to be better stewards of the Association’s finances. Members need to be assured their money is being spent wisely. This needs to be done with transparency and accountability.

I am troubled by the way the Town of East Lyme infringes upon our status as a municipality, and even more by the apparent unwillingness of the current Board to stand up for our rights. Our house sits across West Lane from the development which has been proposed for Old Black Point. This development will utilize the water system the town installed exclusively for Black Point and add additional traffic on our roads on top of the increase we already have this year as a result of the card reader and gate installed by the Old Black Point Association for its members. We are fighting this development at our own cost with the help of other like-minded residents of Black Point. If this development is allowed to go through, it is only a matter of time before similar development may come through on Billow.

I will provide a voice for not only residents of the southern part of Black Point, but all residents, to make sure our community remains the little slice of Heaven we all love.

I appreciate your consideration and hope you will vote for me on Saturday for the Black Point Board of Governors.


***Procedure for elections to Board of Governors***

June 27, 2020

call 425-436-6363, access code 436260

The meeting to nominate and elect two members of the board of governors will begin via teleconference at 9 AM on Saturday, June 27, 2020.  Nominations will be taken from the floor; members may dial *6 to be recognized.

Once nominations and seconds have been made, the teleconference portion of the meeting will recess.  At 10 AM, voting on clubhouse grounds will commence, and continue until noon.  All voters do not need to come at 10 AM, polling will go more efficiently if voting is staggered across the time span.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a way for the membership to vote in a safe manner with respect to COVID guidelines.

Please wear a facemask to vote.

To vote, drive or walk to the clubhouse and wait in the field to the left of the clubhouse.  Please do not gather in front of the clubhouse. Voters will line up on marked spots behind the clubhouse to approach the tables where you will be checked in.receive ballots.  Please wait in the field until there is an opening in the line; there will be guides to assist this process. There will be two lines.  A-J will line up on the right, K-Z on the left.Once you have your ballot, proceed into the clubhouse, when directed, to fill out your ballot (again, staying to R or L depending on the first letter of your last name), then exit the clubhouse and deposit your ballot into one of the ballot boxes immediately outside the door.  Once you have voted, please leave the clubhouse area for the sake of social distancing.

Results will be announced via teleconference at 12:30 PM.
