Millstone Dry Cask Storage

A citizens group has formed in Black Point to monitor the situation at Millstone Power Station regarding proposals to increase Dry Cask storage space in Waterford for spent nuclear material at the facility. There will be a number of hearings in Hartford and Washington, DC over the upcoming months and the committee will report back.

The Board of Governors authorized this fact-finding committee to report back to the Board of Governors with information on a periodic basis. The Town of East Lyme may be interested as well and may appoint a liaison from The Town to join this committee. In addition the committee members will reach out to other Shoreline Beaches to see if they are interested. The Board will update the BP web site when there is information to share with our members.

If you are interested in serving on this advisory committee send me an email at and I will direct you interest to the committee.

Thank you
Tom Kelly Chair, Board of Governors