Budget Adoption Announcement

Budget adoption
To the members of Black Point,
Another casualty of the pandemic is our ability to congregate as a community in order to govern ourselves until the crisis abates.  While many issues can wait, we must address the budget in order to determine the mill rate and collect taxes for the fiscal year starting July 1.
The governor recently issued executive orders, particularly EO 7I,  in regards to public meetings and budget adoptions.  We have consulted with our attorney to clarify how this affects us all.  In summary, there can be no vote on the budget by members this year.  The BOG, as the “budget making authority”, is directed to adopt a budget and set a mill rate without an annual meeting vote.
The BOG will hold the regular meeting of April 23 remotely, with provisions for the public to listen in.  As with all BOG meetings, the agenda and relevant documents will be posted prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted following the meeting.
When we determine the most effective vehicle for members to access the meeting in real time, we will post that information and directions.
Rest assured that the Board does not take this responsibility lightly, and that we will work together in the best interests of all Black Pointers.
Be well.
Cheryl Colangelo, Chair

Black Point Beach Club
6 Sunset Ave.
Niantic, Connecticut 06357

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