BPBCA Board of Governors regular meeting
Thursday, June 25 2020 at 6 PM via teleconference
call in (425) 436-6363, PIN: 436260
I. Call to order, attendance
II. Approval of minutes
May 28, 2020
June 16, 2020
III. Communications to board
VI. Public comments
VII. Reports
Tax collector
Piers and seawalls
Association manager
VIII. Old business
Cahill scholarship
Long term fiscal planning committee
Approve updated policies and procedures
IX. New business
After hours parking
Elections: procedure and voting eligibility
Women’s Club; Kay Parulis, modified activities
Rec directors; Erica Garnett and Nadia Banever, activities proposals
X. Public comments and board response
XI. Executive session
Individual employees
XII.. Adjournment